Would you like to be part of the upgrade to the Hothouse?
Although working closely with Council to make the Mildura Sporting Precinct our Associations new home, the growth in participants over the last 24 months has shown the need for the Hothouse to remain an important part of the Mildura Community for club training, some domestic competition if required and available for other community groups to hire when not being used for basketball.
As an association we plan to complete several upgrades in the near future to improve the infrastructure of the Hothouse. Our first project, commencing early in the new year, is the replacement of the floors, rings, and backboards on courts 3 & 4.
The timing of these works is important as we have been awarded the Victoria U14 Junior Country Basketball Championships to be held in April 2024, which will bring participants from all over the state to our region.
The MBA are looking to raise $100k to contribute to this project through score bench and wall mounted court sponsors as well as a buy a board campaign. The buy a board campaign is a fundraising project through the Australian Sports Foundation. If you would like to support this project a donation of $50 with buy one board, $100 two boards and $200 five boards, or you can nominate your own donation value. To show the support of our community we will build a virtual court on our website.
To contribute to the project please visit the following website
If you wish to be the first to have sponsorship opportunities in the upgraded area in the form of score bench or court wall signs, please contact Mahaela Jackson by emailing
